Manage your promoted listings with more control and flexibility using OfferUp Business Portal. This tool is exclusively available to OfferUp Business customers.
How it works
Use Business Portal to handpick the listings you want to promote in the feed. Quickly and strategically apply promotions to your listings to get more buyers looking at your inventory.
Remove promotions at any time, keep track of your promotion usage, and upgrade your promotion plan—all from right inside your personal portal.
Pick your promoted listings
Use Business Portal to apply promotions to the listings of your choice. Listings stay promoted in the feed until you remove the promotion, sell the item, or archive the listing.
To apply a promotion to a listing, complete the following steps.
- Open the OfferUp app and log in to your account.
- Tap My Listings, then find the listing you want to promote.
- Tap Promote to open the portal in a mobile web view.
- On the Promotions page, find the listing you want to promote.
- Under Actions, tap Promote.
- Visit and log in to your account.
- In the top navigation menu, click Business to open the portal.
- On the Promotions page, find the listing you want to promote.
- Under Actions, click Promote.
Auto-promote your listings
Too busy to pick your promoted listings? Don’t worry, we’ll do it for you. The auto-promote feature is built into your portal to ensure that you never let a promotion sit idle.
Twice a day, our system will check if you have any promotions that you’re not using. If so, we’ll apply the unused promotions to your listings according to the auto-promote criteria you selected with your Account Manager at setup.
Options include auto-promote by:
- Newest Listing
- Oldest Listing
- Highest Price
- Lowest Price
To update your auto-promote criteria, please reach out to your Account Manager.
Remove your promotions
Use Business Portal to remove promotions from the listings of your choice. This stops the listings from being highlighted at the top of the feed.
To remove a promotion from a listing, complete the following steps.
- Open the OfferUp app and log in to your account.
- Tap My Listings, then find the listing you want to stop promoting.
- Tap Remove Promotion to open the portal in a mobile web view.
- On the Promotions page, find the listing you want to stop promoting.
- Under Actions, tap Remove Promotion.
- Visit and log in to your account.
- In the top navigation menu, click Business to open the portal.
- On the Promotions page, find the listing you want to stop promoting.
- Under Actions, click Remove Promotion.
Keep track of your promotions
Track your promotion usage using the countdown feature located at the top of the Promotions page. If you’ve purchased promotions in multiple item categories, use the tabs at the top of the page to view your usage in each category.
Promotions Used | This counts the number of promotions that are currently applied to your listings. |
Promotions Available | This counts the number of unused promotions that are available to apply to your listings. Generally, this number is zero because our auto-promote feature ensures your promotions are being used. |
Search, filter and sort your listings
Use the search, filter, and sort features to easily view and organize your listings in the portal.
Search | Type in keywords to search for a specific listing by its title. |
Filter By | View your listings according to their promotion status. Options include: All, Promoted, or Not Promoted. |
Sort By | View your listings according to their promotion date or posting date. Options include: Newest Promotion, Oldest Promotion, Newest Post, or Oldest Post. |
Understand your Promotions table
The Promotions table shows you all of your active listings in a purchased category. It also shows important details about your listings so you can manage them appropriately. Use the definitions below to understand the data in each column.
Status | The current promotion status of the listing. If the listing is not being promoted, it will show Not Promoted. If the listing is being promoted, it will keep count of how many days the promotion has been applied. |
Listing | The title of the listing. |
Price | The item price as displayed on the listing. |
Post Date | The date that the listing was originally posted to the feed. |
Promotion Date | The date that the current promotion was originally applied to the listing. The field will be empty if you remove the promotion or if there is no promotion currently applied. The icon next to the promotion date tells you who promoted the listing. If you did, it will show your profile photo. If the auto-promote feature did, it will show OfferUp's logo. |
Actions | The available actions you can take on the listing. Options include: Promote or Remove Promotion. |
Need more promotions?
If you need more promotions or want to purchase a package in another category, select Upgrade Plan at the top of the Promotions page. Your OfferUp Account Manager will reach out to discuss upgrade options and pricing.